Sunwoong Yang

231120 (Mon) 본문

Daily Reports

231120 (Mon)

AeroDat 2023. 11. 20. 21:38

Time table

Lab arrival
~ 9:59
PINN discussion and new calculation
~ 10:31
CFD study [1]
~ 11:05 LatentPINN study
~ 11:45
~ 13:32
Physics-informed DMD study [2]
~ 15:51
Meeting w/ LSM (thesis proposal)
~ 17:10 PINN manuscript organizing
~ 17:40 Dinner
~ 21:38 PINN code revision for parametric NS



[1] CFD study

  • Ferziger, Joel H., Milovan Perić, and Robert L. Street. Computational methods for fluid dynamics. springer, 2019.

[2] Physics-infromed DMD

  • Baddoo, Peter J., et al. "Physics-informed dynamic mode decomposition." Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479.2271 (2023): 20220576.




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